Higher Ed Dive by Anna Merod | EdPrepLab's Second Annual Virtual Policy Summit explored policy and practice solutions to the ongoing teacher shortage crisis. “Supporting teacher prep programs through regulatory relief is key to addressing the ongoing teacher shortage that is impacting districts nationwide,” said Linda Darling-Hammond.
EdSource by Diana Lambert | Desire Carver-Thomas discusses how multiple districts in California are navigating teacher shortages during the pandemic as detailed in this LPI report. “A lot of districts want to prioritize student well-being, which is hard to do without a stable workforce,” Carver-Thomas said.
Governing by Alan Greenblatt | The effects of COVID-19 on the educator workforce includes not just a shortage of teachers but of substitutes and other school staff as well. Linda Darling-Hammond offers perspective on the teacher shortage and the need to move away from the “old normal” in order to support the educator workforce.
BBC News, Ohio by Pratiksha Ghildial | Trends in teacher supply and demand have been unbalanced for years and are being exacerbated by the pandemic. "If we could, as a country, hold on to our teachers, support them, keep them in the workforce, keep them satisfied in their profession and on a competitive wage, we would go a long way towards solving our shortages,'' said Tara Kini.
Getting Smart by Sheryl Gomez and Jasmine Tucker | The $190 billion investment of federal COVID relief dollars for k–12 education has created the opportunity to reimagine schools and build more equity in education budgets. “Funds should develop the teacher capacity for accelerating learning, personalization, and differentiated instruction,” said LPI’s Monica Martinez.
K-12 Dive by Shawna De La Rosa | This K-12 Dive Brief highlights how restorative approaches can help schools move away from exclusionary disciplinary policies as described in an LPI brief. Examples from Nevada and California show how these restorative approaches have been put into practice to create greater equity among students.
Forbes by Raymond Pierce | In this commentary, Pierce includes insights from Anna Maier about the history of community schools in the American education system and how the components of community schools, detailed in an LPI report, make them a key strategy for school improvement and achieving equity in education.
Forbes by Linda Darling-Hammond | Many students, families, and educators looked forward to a return to in-person learning this fall, but now find themselves on a pandemic roller coaster as the school year opens with a surge of COVID-19 cases. If we follow the science, we can ensure students can be safe in school.
U.S. News & World Report by Lauren Camera | "The safety net for children has badly tattered, and the pandemic brought all of this into light because of the inequalities that have been allowed to fester for so long. Now community schools are having a moment in the sun, and I hope it's a long moment." Linda Darling-Hammond offers perspective in this article about the various ways in which community schools support students and families.
Wisconsin Examiner by Terrence Falk | “There is a tremendous difference between levels of poverty, and we know levels of poverty have a lot to do with what happens in school and kids, what they bring to school, and how they survive.” Peter Cookson offers perspective on the shortcomings with current methods of classifying economically disadvantaged students and how such shortcomings affect these students' experiences.