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Two teachers engaging with elementary students in a classroom.
| Early childhood learning quality depends on educators being fully prepared to meet the needs of diverse young learners—something that can be supported by high-quality coaching. Examples from state and county systems show ways that comprehensive coaching systems can be implemented at scale, types of coaching approaches, and supports offered.
A teacher and a principal talking while walking in a school hallway.
| Effective educational leaders are important for student and teacher success, yet leaders’ access to professional learning varies across states and communities. States can use federal, state, and local funding sources to build infrastructure to support long-term leadership development and meet the professional learning needs of their educational leaders.
Two educators having a discussion outside of a school.
| In 2019, state legislators re-invested in the discontinued 21st Century California School Leadership Academy (21CSLA) to provide free, high-quality professional learning to PreK–12 educational leaders. Evidence suggests 21CSLA has positively influenced participants' knowledge, skills, and practices, particularly in areas related to evidence-based practices, continuous improvement, and equity.
College students discussing an assignment with a professor.
| Thoughtful improvements and support of teaching performance assessments has the potential to strengthen preparation statewide and increase the readiness of the state’s teaching candidates as they enter the classroom.
Two high school students work together in science class holding up a model skeleton
| A number of schools have been effective at rejecting the factory model and redesigning their systems to create safe environments with opportunities for exciting and rigorous academic work. Their successes have ideas in common, offering 10 important lessons for other schools.
A teacher and students seated in a circle with hands outstretched toward the center.
| Racially, ethnically, and socioeconomically diverse classrooms are beneficial for young students, yet early childhood programs can be more segregated than elementary and high schools. Research offers five policy strategies to promote diverse early learning settings.
Phoenix, Arizona skyline at dusk.
| In 2022–23, Arizona began implementing a “universal voucher” program for all students that can be used to underwrite private or homeschool education. To better understand this program’s impact on Arizona public schools, researchers conducted a financial review.
Stressed teacher sitting at a desk in a classroom.
| With low salaries and high levels of student loan debt, many teachers are feeling the pinch of financial strain and job-related stress, making it more difficult to diversify, prepare, and retain teachers, and potentially exacerbating nationwide teacher shortages.
Students and teacher talking together in a hallway with lockers
| The Relationship Centered Schools (RCS) campaign seeks to transform schools by creating opportunities for relationship-building, valuing student voice, and investing in staff. The experiences of two RCS sites in California shed light on factors that enable or hinder relationship-centered practices as well as implications for practice and policy.
Female elementary students work on poster.
| UCLA Community School (UCLA-CS), a public school in central Los Angeles, serves a large immigrant population, almost all of whom use a language other than English to communicate with their families. Six key practices contribute to UCLA-CS’s positive school-level outcomes, including above average graduation rates and teacher retention.