Teacher Preparation and Professional Learning
Researchers have found that teachers are the number one in-school influence on student outcomes. And yet, many U.S. students lack access to well-prepared, highly qualified teachers due to decades of chronic teacher shortages and unequal systems of resource distribution. This circumstance has the highest impact on students of color and students in schools serving higher populations of low-income families. Teachers who receive thorough preparation and are supported with high-quality professional learning opportunities throughout their careers are better equipped to meet the needs of all their students. They also leave the profession at lower rates than underprepared teachers. Effective preparation ensures that teachers are equipped to provide the powerful, deeper learning experiences that enable students to not only learn content, but also think critically, solve problems, and learn how to learn.
The Educator Preparation Laboratory (EdPrepLab) is an initiative to strengthen educator preparation in the United States by building the collaborative capacity of preparation programs, school districts, and state policymakers. EdPrepLab supports preparation programs that are equity-focused, student-centered, and grounded in the science of learning and development and seeks to expand these approaches systemwide through research, the dissemination of high-leverage practices, and policy.
Featured Resources
Featured Event
Preparing Teachers for Transformative Education: A Global Conversation
Further Reading
Preparing Teachers
How Preparation Predicts Teaching Performance Assessment Results in California (
report and brief
) -
Educating Teachers in California: What Matters for Teacher Preparedness? (
report and related resources
) -
Preparing Teachers for Deeper Learning (
book and briefs
Professional Development for Teachers
Effective Teacher Professional Development (
report and related resources
) -
The Instructional Leadership Corps: Entrusting Professional Learning in the Hands of the Profession (
report and related resources
Teacher Residency and Apprenticeship Models
Investing in Teacher Residencies: Sustaining Texas’s Momentum to Prepare High-Quality Teachers (
brief and fact sheet
) -
Investing in Texas Teacher Preparation: Key Features of Successful Residency Programs (
brief and fact sheet
) -
The Teacher Residency: An Innovative Model for Preparing Teachers (
report and brief
) -
Sustainable Strategies for Funding Teacher Residencies: Lessons From California (
report and brief
) -
Promising Models for Preparing a Diverse, High-Quality Early Childhood Workforce (
report and related resources