Shared Learning Initiative
The Shared Learning Initiative builds the capacity of California communities to advance more equitable and racially just school systems through partnerships with school and district leaders. It is a collaborative effort between the Learning Policy Institute and the California Partnership for the Future of Learning. Through school learning visits, virtual learning sessions, and relevant resources, participants get an up-close look at exemplary schools and practices and learn from students, families, educators, and community partners about the systems, structures, and practices that support their equity-focused work. The Initiative broadly focuses on evidence-based practices for supporting the academic success and social-emotional well-being of underserved students, with a particular focus on English learners; students from low-income families; and Black, Indigenous, and other students of color.
Featured Learning Session
Related Resources
Multilingual Learning Sessions
The First Steps Toward School Transformation: An Inclusive Needs/Assets Assessment
January 13, 2022 | This session focused on the process for engaging in a thorough and inclusive needs/assets assessment for communities transitioning toward a transformative community schools model, as well as those working to strengthen existing community schools.
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Staffing for School Transformation: The Role of the Community School Coordinator
April 27, 2022 | This session focused on highlighting the pivotal role that community school coordinators play in advancing school transformation, and the systems, structures, and practices needed for community school coordinators to support a transformational culture of change.
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Shared Leadership & Power for School Transformation: Part I - Building Trusting Relationships
December 8, 2022 | This session focused on the crucial role that building trusting relationships among students, families, school/district staff, and community partners plays in moving forward school transformation, and the mindsets, systems, structures, and practices that support trust building.
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Shared Leadership & Power for School Transformation: Part II - Developing Shared Decision-Making Teams
April 25, 2023 | The session focused on showcasing the relationships, structures, and practices that Buena Vista Horace Mann K–8 Community School in San Francisco Unified School District has established to authentically engage students, families, educators, and community partners in the school's shared decision-making processes.
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Reimagining School Safety: Moving Towards Racially Just, Restorative School Cultures
December 4, 2023 | This session highlights the research on school safety and the effectiveness of restorative practices, as well as recent shifts in California towards restorative practices, focusing on two school communities: Fremont High School in Oakland Unified School District and True North Organizing Network and Two Feathers Native American Family Services at Loleta Union Elementary School District.
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Developing Diverse, Prepared, and Supported Educators
May 9, 2024 | This session explores the research on teacher shortages in California, the importance of a diverse teacher workforce for improving student outcomes, and essential elements that support educator recruitment, preparation, and retention. Speakers from Los Angeles Unified School District and Oakland High School share about their efforts to recruit and sustain teachers of color.
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Further Reading
Funding for this project is provided by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Sobrato Philanthropies, W. Clement & Jessie V. Stone Foundation, Stuart Foundation, and The California Endowment. Core operating support for the Learning Policy Institute is provided by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Heising-Simons Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Raikes Foundation, Sandler Foundation, Skyline Foundation, and MacKenzie Scott.
The Learning Policy Institute leads the Shared Learning Initiative in collaboration with the California Partnership for the Future of Learning, led by Californians for Justice, Catalyst California, PICO California, and Public Advocates. Participants include 20 grassroots and community-based groups across the state.