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young children working with a teacher
| Recently released research studies have revisited the question, "Does preschool make a long-term difference in the academic and life-long success of participants?" While these studies underscore the importance of context when assessing the impact of preschool, they don’t change a fundamental finding: Attending a high-quality preschool leaves children better prepared for kindergarten and has lasting impacts on child outcomes, especially when it is followed by high-quality elementary school instruction.
students working on a hands-on project
| A hallmark of deeper learning is students’ ability to apply their knowledge to new situations and complex problems. Big Picture Learning, Internationals Network for Public Schools, and New Tech Network have successfully instantiated, sustained, and spread deeper learning practices in ways that advance equity in schools across the nation. A deep look into their systems and structures reveals common threads, including rethinking structures and relationships in schools, collaboration, professional learning, leadership development, and continual improvement.
students working on a hands-on project
| Research suggests that deeper learning strategies that support critical thinking and problem-solving can improve student outcomes, but implementing these strategies is not easy. Three networks of schools—Big Picture Learning, Internationals Network for Public Schools, and New Tech Network—have created the systems and structures to scale their equitable deeper learning models in diverse public school settings to serve students in more personalized and productive ways.
Two women working together
| The teaching profession requires continuous learning and California's Instructional Leadership Corps was developed to address that need. The ILC is changing the paradigm for teacher learning by tapping the expertise and experience of local teachers, principals, and superintendents who have the training and support to lead ongoing professional development to peers in their own districts and in other schools and districts in their regions.
| A hallmark of deeper learning is students’ ability to apply their knowledge to new situations and complex problems. New Tech Network has successfully instantiated deeper learning practices in many geographically, politically, and socioeconomically diverse school settings. This deep look into its systems and structures shows how the network has spread its practices to many traditionally structured, public school districts across the country.
| A hallmark of deeper learning is students’ ability to apply their knowledge to new situations and complex problems. Internationals Network, a network of schools specifically for English learners, has successfully instantiated, sustained, and spread deeper learning practices in ways that advance equity in schools across the nation. This deep look into its systems and structures shows how the network and its leaders are raising expectations and outcomes for English learners.
| A hallmark of deeper learning is students’ ability to apply their knowledge to new situations and complex problems. Big Picture Learning has successfully instantiated, sustained, and spread deeper learning practices in ways that advance equity in schools across the nation. This deep look into its systems and structures reveals how the network and its leaders have consistently been responsive to communities and local conditions, which allows network-affiliated schools to take on a distinct character while maintaining fidelity to Big Picture Learning's deeper learning focus.
| What skills and competencies do early childhood educators need in order to provide high-quality early learning experiences? What essential skills should children master before entering kindergarten? The Early Childhood Essentials framework answers these questions based on an analysis of relevant research. It is a must-read for local and state decision-makers looking to build and expand high-quality early learning programs.
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
| Based on the report, Early Childhood Essentials: A Framework for Aligning Child Skills and Educator Competencies, this fact sheet presents the skills children should have upon entering kindergarten and the skills and competencies early educators need to support effective learning experiences. Providing leaders with a fundamental understanding of early childhood education will help them make informed decisions to ensure educators have the resources they need to provide every child with the opportunity to enter school ready to thrive.