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November 14, 2019

Webinar: Social and Emotional Learning, Cultural Competence, and Equity in Teacher Preparation

Hosted by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education and the Educator Preparation Laboratory, an initiative of the Learning Policy Institute and Bank Street Graduate School of Education

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AACTE and the EdPrepLab partnered to present this webinar on social and emotional learning, cultural competence, and equity in teacher preparation. Participants learned how teacher educators can integrate social and emotional learning and cultural competence into educator preparation, with the goal of equipping teachers to consider the needs of the whole child with equity in mind. Connections between social and emotional learning, cultural competence, and equity were explored in conceptual and practical terms.

Panel members

  • Nancy Markowitz, Executive Director, Center for Reaching and Teaching the Whole Child and Professor Emeritus, San Jose State University
  • Patricia Swanson, Professor and Chair, Department of Teacher Education, San Jose State University
  • Pat Norman, Professor of Education and Coordinator of Elementary MAT program, Trinity University
  • Mari Jones, Faculty and Project Co-Director of the Deeper Learning Hub, High Tech High Graduate School of Education
  • Moderated by Maria E. Hyler, Deputy Director, Washington, DC office and Senior Researcher, Learning Policy Institute


  • Speakers presented multiple perspectives on the integration of SEL and cultural competence into educator preparation;
  • Explored the intersections of SEL, cultural competence, and equity in teacher preparation;
  • Identified benefits and challenges of integrating SEL and cultural competence into educator preparation, including considerations of equity;
  • Provided recommendations for educator preparation faculty about how to integrate SEL and cultural competence into coursework and clinical experiences for teacher candidates.

Photo courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action.