Efrain Mercado Jr.

Efrain Mercado Jr. is the Director of California Policy and Senior Policy Advisor at the Learning Policy Institute. In this role, he leads LPI’s work related to policy issues in California and supports work on assessment and accountability issues at the federal level.
Before joining LPI, Mercado was the Legislative Advocate and Liaison Coordinator for the California Teachers Association (CTA). In this role, he advanced CTA’s priorities with state agencies and partner organizations and managed its legislative portfolio regarding credentials, professional development, assessment, and accountability. Prior to joining CTA, he was Director, Education at Children Now, where he led efforts around state policy decisions related to the System of Support, English Learner issues, assessments, and accountability with the California Department of Education and State Board of Education. Mercado also previously served as the Senior Policy Director for the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association and supported the Common Core State Standards at the National Association for State Boards of Education and ASCD. He has a background and expertise in policy development, supporting educators, and developing partnerships to promote college and career readiness for all students.
Mercado holds a BA in U.S. History from the University of California at Riverside.