Video Series: How Learning Happens
The How Learning Happens video series, developed by Edutopia, features LPI President and CEO Linda Darling-Hammond and Pamela Cantor, MD, Founder and Senior Science Advisor of Turnaround for Children. Each of these engaging and informative videos offers examples of school-based strategies and practices that are rooted in the science of learning and development.
Jump to topics covered in the series: The Science of Learning & Development in Out-of-School Time | Cultivating a Belonging Mindset | Fostering Positive Relationships | Building Academic Confidence | Developing Foundational Skills | Establishing Positive Conditions for Learning
The Science of Learning & Development in Out-of-School Time
Elevates strategies for supporting young people to learn and thrive, both in and out of classrooms, and highlights ways to build the capacity of adults to provide these supports.
Cultivating a Belonging Mindset
Highlights how educators can employ a variety of strategies and practices—from creating class norms to integrating student voice into projects—to build community and advance learning.
Fostering Positive Relationships
Explores strategies for building strong and trusting relationships between students and educators, which contributes to students' sense of safety and their engagement in learning.
Building Academic Confidence
Highlights teaching, assessment, and communications strategies and practices to foster engaged and confident learners.
Developing Foundational Skills
Looks at practices that support students' development of essential skills and dispositions, including a growth mindset, self regulation, and executive function.
Establishing Positive Conditions for Learning
Explores how educators' use of mindfulness and movement techniques, as well as calm and supportive classroom management, support student engagement and well-being.
Photo credit: Edutopia