The State of the Teacher Workforce
This map was last updated in July 2024 (originally published in July 2023). The data are drawn from national data sources, representing the most recent data available for analysis as of April 2024. Interpreters of the data should keep in mind that the sources for various statistics represent different academic years (ranging mainly from 2017–18 to 2022–23). Some states may have recently experienced changes in policies or conditions which would change the statistic reported if it were collected today. In addition, some indicators are estimated based on a sample of teachers and, in some cases, sample sizes are relatively small. We follow the National Center for Education Statistics guidelines for reporting and note any estimates that should be interpreted with caution.
The Technical Supplement, last updated in June 2024, includes the complete notes and source information:
Suggested citation: Learning Policy Institute. (2024). The state of the teacher workforce: A state-by-state analysis of the factors influencing teacher shortages, supply, demand, and equity [Interactive map].