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Teacher working with two young students
| Recruitment and retention challenges are once again leading to teacher shortages across the nation, especially in urban and rural school districts. This brief looks at the teacher residency model, a promising approach to addressing recruitment and retention challenges in high-needs districts and in shortage subject areas. The teacher residency model creates long-term benefits for districts, for schools, and ultimately and most importantly, for the students they serve.
Teacher working with two young students
| As teacher shortages once again become widespread in California and across the nation, discussions of how to recruit and retain high-quality teachers are occupying center stage in policy circles. Newly emerging residency programs offer an innovative approach to recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers. Currently, the state has at least 10 such programs meeting critical hiring needs for a number of districts and charter schools in urban and rural areas.
What Voters Think About the Teacher Shortage
| Throughout the summer and into the fall of 2015, school districts across the state struggled to fill vacant teaching positions with qualified staff. In fall of 2015, a Field Poll of California voters revealed that Californians are well aware of the emerging shortage of K-12 public school teachers and think the state should take decisive action to rectify the situation.
How to Fix the Country’s Failing Schools. And How Not To.
| A quarter-century ago, Newark and nearby Union City epitomized the failure of American urban school systems. Students, mostly poor minority and immigrant children, performed abysmally. Graduation rates were low. Plagued by corruption and cronyism, both districts had a revolving door of superintendents. Today, Union City, which opted for homegrown gradualism, is regarded as a poster child for good urban education. Newark, despite huge infusions of money and outside talent, has struggled by comparison.
Now We Confront the Real Equity Challenge: Providing Access to 21st Century Learning
| Renewing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act was once considered a long shot, but in December 2015, the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law. Will federal regulators encourage states to take advantage of the new flexibility provided by ESSA to move teaching and learning purposefully into the 21st century? And will states assure these opportunities are made available to all students, rather than an elite few?
Op-Ed: A New Way to Improve College Enrollment
| While more than two-thirds of high school graduates enroll in college, nearly two-thirds of these students arrive on campus unprepared for college-level rigor. Instead of trying to solve this problem together, high schools and colleges typically operate in silos. The situation is entirely different in Long Beach, CA, where collaboration, from pre-k through college, is the watchword.
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| By Linda Darling-Hammond and Patricia Gandara | How we can create 21st century learning opportunities for all students? In this op-ed, authors argue that a wide range of structural inequalities contribute to ongoing learning and achievement gaps. They identify three high-leverage policy areas to promote equity and deeper learning: adequate and flexible K-12 funding based on pupil needs, educator standards that focus preparation programs on deeper learning, and more supports and fewer constraints to enable innovative instruction and assessment.
Does Pre-K Make Any Difference?
| Does preschool work? Although early education has been widely praised as the magic bullet that can transport poor kids into the education mainstream, a major new study raises serious doubts. A closer analysis, however, underscores the importance of quality if preschool is to have a positive long-term impact on children’s lives.
Teaching Democracy: A Hands-On Exercise
| A recent California Task Force on K-12 Civic Learning noted that nationally, fewer than half of eligible young people ages 18-24 voted in the 2012 elections, and that the U.S. recently ranked 139th of 172 democracies around the world in voter participation. Is the standard approach to teaching civics failing to prepare students for their future roles as voters, jurors, and civic leaders?
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| The pace of knowledge growth accelerates every year, with technology information now doubling every 11 months. Our world is being transformed by these new technologies, as well as shifting demographics and the demands of a global economy. Our children need to be prepared for this new world and all its complex realities. And that requires new approaches to learning.