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Transforming Schools

This blog series shares effective practices and foundational research for educators, students, families, and policymakers who are reimagining schools as places where students are safe and can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Blog series: Transforming Schools

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Transforming Schools blog series. "Essential Elements of Community Schools" by Emily Germain and Jeannie Oakes
| Although community schools have existed for 100-plus years, they have evolved over time to become a highly effective, research-based approach that improves education and equity.
Blog series: Transforming Schools. "Serving our children through community schools" by Linda Darling-Hammond.
| In the aftermath of the pandemic, as many children and youth are struggling with mental health and to reengage in learning, a growing chorus of people are calling for community schools as an approach to reinvent education to better serve students, educators, and families.