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| Forty-eight states and the District of Columbia reported having shortages of special education teachers in the 2016–17 school year. As a result, school districts have filled those vacancies with underprepared teachers. Strategic investments in evidence-based programs can alleviate this perennial shortage. This blog highlights programs and state-level strategies to attract, prepare, and retain enough special education teachers to meet school and district needs.
State Policymakers Respond to Teacher Shortages
| As school districts around the country struggle to find enough qualified teachers to staff their classrooms, state policymakers are considering a range of budget and policy proposals to address immediate teacher shortages and build a sustainable, high-quality, and more diverse teacher workforce. This blog explores how states are tackling teacher shortages with targeted investments and evidence-based strategies.
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| The Union Public Schools district in Tulsa, Oklahoma shows what can be achieved when a public school system takes the time to invest in a culture of high expectations, recruit top-flight professionals, and develop ties between schools and the community. From kindergarten through high school students get a state-of-the-art science education in a district where more than one third of the students are Latino, many of them English language learners, and 70% receive free or reduced-price lunch.
What California School Districts Can Do to Address Teacher Shortages
| Amidst news reports of teacher shortages throughout California, a small number of districts issued so-called March 15 notices to teachers, signaling a potential layoff in the next school year. How can we have layoffs in times of shortages? This blog, by LPI Executive Director Patrick Shields and Senior Writer Roberta Furger, puts the layoff news in perspective.
Trump’s “Skinny Budget” Would Put Educators’ Learning on a Starvation Diet
| President Trump’s “skinny budget” proposal, calls for wide-ranging cuts in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), including the complete elimination of funding for Title II, Part A, the Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants program. Eliminating this section of the law, which supports educator learning and development, undermines the ability of states and districts to achieve ESSA’s ambitious goals for our schools and students.
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| California’s State Board of Education has an opportunity to leave behind one of the most unfair and problematic features of No Child Left Behind (NCLB): the way it calculates English learners’ progress for purposes of accountability. In doing so, however, the state will still need to address how it will focus on, understand, and support the nearly 1.4 million public students classified as English learners.
Blog: Love Trumps Hate: Building Inclusive, Equitable School Communities
| Since our November 8th election, educators across the country have been stunned by the increase in racial slurs, bullying, and graffiti featuring swastikas and hate speech on campuses, emulating what children saw and heard in the presidential campaign. While deeply disturbing, the explicitness and widespread public eruption of hate speech of all kinds gives us a direct opportunity to create a curriculum of civility and caring, and to unseat the tacit bigotry that is often under the surface in schools.
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| In scores of rigorously conducted studies, social psychologists have demonstrated that brief interventions, designed to combat students’ negative feelings, can have a powerful and long-lasting impact on students’ academic futures by changing their mindsets before they get to college.
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| On September 15th, the Learning Policy Institute released a report on teacher supply and demand that examines the data behind shortages that are emerging in a number of areas around the country. This blog responds to questions about the size and nature of teacher shortages and reinforces the importance of evidence-based solutions that ensure every student is taught by a well-qualified and supported teacher.
Strengthening the Early Childhood Workforce to Assure High-Quality Early Education
| There is broad agreement among researchers across a wide range of disciplines that early education can give children a powerful start on the path that leads to college and career success. Early learning professionals need what any savvy businessperson wants for his or her company—a motivated, skilled, quality workforce. While recent studies have highlighted several obstacles to building a high-quality early childhood workforce, another points to promising models in four states.