As states, districts, and schools are expanding instruction to include the competencies associated with college, career, and civic readiness, they are also developing ways to measure mastery of higher-order thinking skills. These measures include performance assessments that show what students know and can do through demonstrations of their thinking, writing, research, and products.
During this briefing, speakers shared information on the following:
- What are performance assessments and how can they inform teaching and learning?
- What is the role of performance assessment in advancing equity in educational opportunity in k-12 and higher education? Specifically, how can performance assessments drive deeper teaching and learning in k-12 and how can they be used to inform the postsecondary admission, placement, and advisement process in ways that increase access?
- What is the current state of play in k-12 and higher education—who is using performance assessments and how are they being used?
- What systems need to be in place to support the use of high-quality performance assessments for all students?
- Linda Darling-Hammond, President & CEO, Learning Policy Institute
- Lindsay E. Jones, Vice President, Chief Policy & Advocacy Officer, National Center for Learning Disabilities
- Ellen Hume-Howard, Executive Director, New Hampshire Learning Initiative
- David Hawkins, Executive Director for Educational Content and Policy, National Association for College Admission Counseling
- Nicole Dooley, Policy Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense Fund
Remarks by Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH)