On Wednesday, October 26, the Learning Policy Institute (LPI) joined with the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) to host a webinar on Building a Strong, Sustainable Teacher Workforce. Developed for state policymakers and their staff, the webinar focused on evidence-based policies and practices to recruit and retain high-quality teachers, especially in hard-to-staff subjects, schools, and regions.
LPI President Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond presented findings from recently released reports that explore the causes and consequences of teacher shortages and provided an in-depth review of the research on promoting a stable and high-quality teacher workforce. Dr. Darling-Hammond was joined by Robert Behning, Chairman of the Education Committee for the Indiana House of Representatives, and South Dakota Secretary of Education Melody Schopp, both of whom shared steps their states have taken to address teacher shortages and strengthen the teaching profession.
The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this video belong solely to the speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the perspective of the Learning Policy Institute.