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Group of teachers having a discussion in a school.
Experts discuss the conditions in Texas that have led to teacher shortages; describes the work underway to stabilize the workforce; and offer their perspectives on solutions to strengthen the Texas teacher pipeline.
WEBINAR | September 27, 2023
Teacher and student talking in a school hallway.
WEBINAR | September 27, 2023
In this webinar, national and state education leaders and policymakers discussed effective policy approaches for fostering safe school environments supported by federal and state funding.
Banner art for webinar on Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness
Experts discussed ways to support students experiencing homelessness, focusing on student enrollment, learning, and mental health.
Webinar Series | October 2022 - May 2023
Photo collage of students and teachers engaged in deeper learning
Webinar Series | October 2022 - May 2023
This webinar series explores the various elements of whole child policy featured in the Whole Child Policy Toolkit and shares insights from state and district policymakers who have engaged in efforts to shift toward whole child education.
Webinar | May 24, 2023
Two students working on a hands-on project together
Webinar | May 24, 2023
This webinar explored the actions states can take to redesign curriculum, instruction, assessments, and accountability systems in line with the science of learning and development. Experts and state leaders who have taken on this work discussed lessons learned.
Webinar | April 27, 2023
Teacher talking to group of young students outside on a lawn
Webinar | April 27, 2023
In this webinar, experts and researchers discussed advancements in the growing evidence base of social and emotional learning and what the findings from this evidence mean for research, practice, and policy.
Webinar | April 19, 2023
Teacher helping preschool students with a project.
Webinar | April 19, 2023
In this webinar, state and local presenters shared policies and practices from states that have taken different approaches to implementing mixed delivery systems that support children’s access to consistent, high-quality learning in all settings.
Meeting | April 13-16, 2023
Event art for 2023 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Meeting
Meeting | April 13-16, 2023
The Learning Policy Institute was well represented at the AERA 2023 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL, from April 13–16, 2023. LPI researchers presented their research on a range of topics, including the science of learning and development; school leadership; and teacher recruitment, retention, and turnover.
Webinar | April 12, 2023
Students and teacher in garden looking at plants
Webinar | April 12, 2023
What actions can states take to ensure that resources are invested equitably and efficiently for whole child design? This webinar focused on the strategies and lessons learned from experts and state leaders who have taken on this work.
Webinar | March 1, 2023
Teacher and student working together at desk
Webinar | March 1, 2023
Building adult capacity and expertise for whole child design is a key part of developing effective whole child learning systems. Among the elements of capacity building explored in this webinar were: approaches to building strong teacher preparation systems, providing high-quality mentoring and induction programs and professional development, and supporting staff well-being.