Sarah Klevan

Sarah Klevan is a Senior Researcher at the Learning Policy Institute. She is a member of LPI’s Deeper Learning team, where she works on projects focused on whole child education. Prior to joining LPI, Klevan was a Research Associate for the Research Alliance for New York City Schools, where she led several research projects focused on the New York City school system. The overarching question that frames Klevan's research is: How and in what ways do schools simultaneously reproduce and disrupt patterns of inequality? Situated within this broader interest, she has conducted research studies on a variety of topic areas, including best practices for immigrant youth, college-readiness initiatives, anti-racism education for teachers, and restorative approaches to school discipline.
Earlier in her career, Klevan taught 5th and 6th grade in Philadelphia. She was also a fellow of the Jewish Organizing Initiative in Boston.
Klevan earned her Ph.D. from New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. She also holds an M.S.Ed. from the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education in Elementary Education and a B.A. in International Relations from Tufts University.