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Education and the Path to Equity

Fifty years ago, the Kerner Commission issued a seminal report on racial division and disparities in the United States. This blog series commemorates the release of the Kerner Report and examines issues of education and equity 5 decades after that release.

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Showing 15 of 15 results
Ebony Green: Centering Racial Equity Is Key to Righting Historic Injustices
| As we reflect on the 50th anniversary of the Kerner Report, we must recognize that educational institutions currently produce exactly what they were created to produce—opportunity gaps, writes Dr. Ebony Green, Executive Director of Equity and Access of the Newburgh Enlarged City School District. In the latest installment of the blog series, Education and the Path to Equity, Dr. Green shares how her school district is implementing a systemwide approach to equity in order to create opportunities and improve outcomes for all students.
David Sciarra: School Funding: Deep Disparities Persist 50 Years After Kerner
| Fifty years after the Kerner Commission warned of a nation divided, school funding remains profoundly unfair and inequitable in most states, shortchanging students across the country, writes David Sciarra, Executive Director of the Education Law Center in this installment of the blog series, Education and the Path to Equity. Those most disadvantaged by this enduring failure are millions of children from low-income families and children of color, especially those in high-poverty, racially isolated communities.
John Jackson: Creating Loving Cities Rather Than “Separate and Unequal”
| This blog, Creating Loving Cities Rather Than “Separate and Unequal,” by Schott Foundation President and CEO Dr. John H. Jackson, addresses the racial segregation of communities and schools and its impact on children’s opportunity to learn and thrive, particularly children of color and children from low-income households.
Patricia Gándara: Immigrant Students: Our Kids, Our Future
| This blog post, from Dr. Patricia Gándara, LPI Senior Fellow and Director of the Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles, is part of the Learning Policy Institute series, Education and the Path to Equity. Dr. Gándara discusses the changing demographics of immigrant students and how they’ve been impacted by increased immigration enforcement practices. She also argues for reframing how we think about immigrant students to focus on their assets, which “prime them to be the very best learners in our schools.”
Kerner At 50: Educational Equity Still a Dream Deferred
| Fifty years ago, the Kerner Commission issued a seminal report on racial division and disparities in the United States. With this blog by Learning Policy Institute (LPI) President Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, LPI launched a new blog series, Education and the Path to Equity. With it, we commemorate the release of the Kerner report and examine the persistent struggle to provide an equitable education for each and every student.