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Educator Quality Resources

Showing 80 of 189 results
Cover photo for The Instructional Leadership Corps: Entrusting Professional Learning in the Hands of the Profession
| Four years into a project to support teacher instruction for deeper learning, research shows that an innovative professional development program is a decided success. Based on a model of teachers teaching teachers, California's Instructional Leadership Corps prepares teacher leaders to provide sustainable professional development aligned with new state standards. Participant feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and demonstrates how teacher-led learning can motivate shifts in practice, enhance teachers’ efficacy, and sustain change.
Cover photo for The Instructional Leadership Corps: Entrusting Professional Learning in the Hands of the Profession
| Teacher leaders in California are collaborating to lead sustainable professional development for implementation of new student standards within their districts. This statewide effort, the Instructional Leadership Corps, has been in place for the last 4 years and participant feedback has been overwhelmingly positive about the experience. This study describes how teacher-led learning can motivate shifts in practice, enhance teachers’ professionalism and efficacy, and create supportive systems and strategic relationships that can sustain change.
| A study including a survey of California principals and interviews with principals, former principals, and superintendents finds that California’s education leaders experience only some elements of high-quality preparation and professional development, and often miss out on the most valuable elements of quality learning experiences. Moreover, their participation in professional learning opportunities that support them in leading schools that develop students’ deeper learning and social and emotional competencies is inconsistent. They do, however, want more of it.
| Teacher shortages have been worsening in California since 2015. In response, the state has invested nearly $200 million in programs aimed at recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers, but those programs will take time to yield the desired results. California needs to make additional investments to rapidly build the supply of qualified teachers where they are most needed and create incentives for experienced, effective teachers to re-enter and remain in the classroom.
Taking the Long View: State Efforts to Solve Teacher Shortages by Strengthening the Profession
| Most states have been struggling to address teacher shortages for several years, often filling the vacuum with underprepared teachers. Governors and legislators in many of these states are now working to turn the tide. A new report from the Learning Policy Institute focuses on six evidence-based policies that states are pursuing to address their teacher shortages that can help states build long-term sustainable systems to attract, develop, and retain a strong and stable teacher workforce.
Taking the Long View: State Efforts to Solve Teacher Shortages by Strengthening the Profession
| Most states have been struggling to address teacher shortages for several years now, often filling the vacuum with underprepared teachers who aren’t able to give children the high-quality learning they need and who leave at two to three times the rate of well-prepared teachers. Most often, these teachers are hired in schools serving students of color and those from low-income families. Governors and legislators in many of these states are now working to turn the tide, according to a new report from the Learning Policy Institute (LPI).
Interactive Tool
Understanding Teacher Shortages Interactive Map
Interactive Tool
| How states experience the teacher shortage depends on their unique mix of policies, conditions, and even cost of living. This interactive map provides a state-by-state look at key indicators of teacher supply and demand and the equitable distribution of teachers. States and the District of Columbia receive a teaching attractiveness rating, based on compensation, teacher turnover, working conditions, and qualifications, and a teacher equity rating, based on the distribution of uncertified and inexperienced teachers.
Research Brief: Diversifying the Teaching Profession Through High-Retention Pathways
| More and more states and districts are recognizing that recruiting and retaining teachers of color can help meet their students' needs while also helping to curb critical teacher shortages. But prospective teachers of color encounter unique barriers to entering and staying in the profession. High-retention pathways—combining high-quality clinically rich preparation with financial support—can be especially effective at reversing those trends.
Research Brief: Diversifying the Teaching Profession Through High-Retention Pathways
| More and more states and districts are recognizing that recruiting and retaining teachers of color can help meet their students' needs while also helping to curb critical teacher shortages. But prospective teachers of color encounter unique barriers to entering and staying in the profession. High-retention pathways—combining high-quality clinically rich preparation with financial support—can be especially effective at reversing those trends.
Research Brief: Diversifying the Teaching Profession Through High-Retention Pathways
| Research shows that teachers of color help close achievement gaps for students of color and are highly rated by students of all races—a fact that is all the more relevant in light of the release this month of data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress which show persistent achievement gaps between students of color and from low income families and their White and affluent peers. Unfortunately, although more teachers of color are being recruited across the nation, the pace of increase is slow and attrition rates are high, leaving growing gaps between the demand for such teachers and the supply.