2019 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Meeting
The Learning Policy Institute was well represented at the 2019 AERA Annual Meeting in Toronto, Canada from April 5 to April 9, 2019. Staff and research fellows presented their research on a range of topics including principal preparation and development, racial equity leadership, early childhood learning, social-emotional learning, and more!
LPI Representation at AERA Sessions
Friday April 5
Session: Pre-K Policy Implementation
Time: 2:25 p.m.-3:55 p.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall G
Paper: The Road to High-Quality Early Learning: Lessons in State Pre-K Design, Implementation, and Expansion
LPI authors: Marjorie E. Wechsler, David L. Kirp*, Madelyn Gardner, Anna Maier*, Hanna Melnick*, Patrick M. Shields
Paper: A Study of the Implementation of Anti-Bias Curricula in Preschool Classrooms
Authors: Karen Babbs Hollett, The Pennsylvania State University; Erica Frankenberg, The Pennsylvania State University
Paper: Professional Neighbors: Institutional Forces and Local Spatial Regression to Understand Consequences of Policy Implementation
Authors: Peter Cody Fiduccia, Cornell University; Hope G. Casto, Skidmore College; John W. Sipple, Cornell University; Lisa McCabe, Cornell University
Paper: Conceptualization and Assessment of Key Competencies of Preschool Children in China
Authors: Yumei Han, Southwest University; Wenfan Yan, University of Massachusetts - Boston; xiaoping yang, Southwest University; naiqing song, Southwest University
Saturday April 6
Session: Translating Research to Policy: How Researchers Are Successfully Influencing Early Learning Programs in Three States
Time: 10:25 a.m.-11:55 a.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 203A
LPI staff: Madelyn Gardner, David L. Kirp*, Marjorie E. Wechsler
Paper: Key Findings and Lessons Learned From a Long-Term Research-Policy Collaboration: Evaluation of the North Carolina Pre-K Program
Author: Ellen S. Peisner-Feinberg, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Paper: 20 Years of Applying Campbell's "Experimenting Society" Methods to Preschool Policy in New Jersey
Author: Ellen Frede, National Institute for Early Education Research
Paper: Research to Policy to Action: Coaching and Quality in Early Learning and Out-of-School Time
Author: Gail Joseph, University of Washington
Session: Creating Strong School Leadership: New Conceptions of Principal Preparation and Development
Time: 12:20 p.m.-1:50 p.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201C
Speakers: Ebony Green, Newburgh Enlarged City School District; Steven E. Tozer, University of Illinois at Chicago
Paper: The Building Blocks of Effective Principal Learning Programs
LPI authors: Daniel Espinoza, Leib Sutcher*, Anne Podolsky
Paper: What Does It Mean to Lead for Deeper Learning? Lessons From Principal Development Programs
LPI authors: Marjorie E. Wechsler, Madelyn Gardner*, Julie Adams*, Desiree Carver-Thomas*, Daniel Espinoza, Maria E. Hyler*
Paper: Principals' Voices: Leaders' Views of Their Preparation and Development
LPI authors: Anne Podolsky, Tara Kini*, Patrick M. Shields, Leib Sutcher*
Paper: Innovative Strategies to Enhance Leadership Preparation for Deeper Learning
Author: Rebecca Cheung, University of California - Berkeley
Session: The Resurgence of Zero Tolerance? Combating the School-to-Prison Pipeline in a Post-Truth Era
Time: 2:15 p.m.-3:45 p.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104A
Speakers: Linda Darling-Hammond, Learning Policy Institute; Mark R. Warren, University of Massachusetts - Boston; Russell J. Skiba, Indiana University; Daniel Losen, University of California - Los Angeles; Judith Browne-Dianis, The Advancement Project; Zakiya Sankara-Jabar, Dignity in Schools Campaign; Jonathan Stith, National Coordinator for the Alliance Educational Justice
Book signing: On the Road to High-Quality Early Learning: Changing Children’s Lives
Time: 3:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Location: Teachers College Press booth #608-612
LPI authors: Marjorie E. Wechsler, David L. Kirp*, Madelyn Gardner, Anna Maier*, Hanna Melnick*, Patrick M. Shields
Session: Iteration, Integrity, and School Improvement
Time: 4:10 p.m.-5:40 p.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Paper: Taking Equity to Scale: Deeper Learning Networks and the Proliferation of Robust Learning Environments
LPI authors: Laura E. Hernández, Kathryn Bradley, Julie Adams, DeAnna Duncan Grand
Paper: Co-Constructing Improvement for Equity and Excellence: How an Adaptive Assistance Partner Supports Low-Performing Schools
Author: Vicki Park, San Diego State University
Paper: Improving Attendance Through Collective Learning Among Schools, Communities, and Families
Author: Sarah Winchell Lenhoff, Wayne State University
Paper: International Comparative Design-Based Innovation Networks: Tension Resolution as Design Challenge
Authors: Nancy Law, The University of Hong Kong; Chew Lee Teo, Singapore National Institute of Education; Therese Laferriere, Laval University; Shamala Raveendaran, National Institute of Education - Nanyang Technological University; David Hung, National Institute of Education - Nanyang Technological University
Sunday April 7
Session: Resisting Resegregation in Public Education
Time: 9:55 a.m.-11:25 a.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 202A
Speakers: Janel George, Learning Policy Institute; Catherine Lhamon, U.S. Department of Education; Leticia Smith-Evans Haynes, Williams College; John Brittain, University of the District of Columbia
Book signing: Preparing Teachers for Deeper Learning
Time: 10:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Location: Harvard Education Press booth #200
LPI authors: Linda Darling-Hammond, Jeannie Oakes
Session: Learning Sciences, School Reform, and Teacher Preparation: Juxtaposing Knowledge and Methods for Equity and Social Justice
Time: 11:50 a.m.-1:20 p.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104B
Speakers: Linda Darling-Hammond, Learning Policy Institute; Jeannie Oakes, Learning Policy Institute; Kris D. Gutiérrez, University of California - Berkeley; Carol D. Lee, Northwestern University; Jal David Mehta, Harvard University; Sarah Melanie Fine, University of California, San Diego
Session: Black Female Teachers: Diversifying the U.S. Teacher Workforce
Time: 3:40 p.m.-5:10 p.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 206B
Speakers: Abiola Farinde-Wu, University of Massachusetts - Boston; Bettie Ray Butler, University of North Carolina - Charlotte
Paper: Why Black Women Teachers Leave and What Can Be Done About It
LPI authors: Desiree Carver-Thomas, Linda Darling-Hammond*
Paper: Black Women Teachers in America: History, Hegemony, and Hope
Author: Valerie Hill-Jackson, Texas A&M University - College Station
Paper: The Draw of Urban: Black Female Teachers' Preferences for Urban Public Schools
Authors: Abiola Farinde-Wu, University of Massachusetts - Boston; Ayana Allen-Handy, Drexel University; Bettie Ray Butler, University of North Carolina - Charlotte; Chance W. Lewis, University of North Carolina - Charlotte
Paper: Preservice Teachers of Color Learning to Teach for Social Justice With a Black Woman Professor
Author: Tambra O. Jackson, Indiana University - IUPUI
Paper: Invisible Threads: Working Conditions, Interpersonal Relationships, and Turnover Among Black Female Teachers
Authors: Ayana Kee Campoli, Augusta University; Dyanis Conrad Popova, University of South Dakota
Session: Separate and Equitable: Can Community Schools Offer Equitable but Racially Segregated Educational Opportunities?
Time: 3:40 p.m.-5:10 p.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 202A
Speakers: Jeannie Oakes, Learning Policy Institute; Sonya Douglass Horsford, Teachers College, Columbia University; Tina M. Trujillo, University of California - Berkeley
Paper: Exploring Progressive and Regressive Dimensions of Community-Based Charter Schools in a Segregated City
Author: Terrenda Corisa White, University of Colorado-Boulder
Paper: Community Schools and the Continued Struggle for Equitable Education in Black Communities
Author: Zakiyah Shaakir-Ansari, Alliance for Quality Education
Paper: Community Schools and Community Control: The Possibilities and Limitations of Community Engagement in Community Schools
Author: Julia A Daniel, University of Colorado - Boulder
Monday April 8
Session: A Conversation Between Edmund W. Gordon and Friends: Assessment in the Service of Teaching and Learning
Time: 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 100 Level, Room 104A
Speakers: Linda Darling-Hammond, Learning Policy Institute; Edmund W. Gordon, Teachers College, Columbia University; Robert J. Mislevy, Educational Testing Service; James W. Pellegrino, University of Illinois at Chicago; John T. Behrens, Pearson; Randy E. Bennett, Educational Testing Service; Joanna Sandra Gorin, Educational Testing Service; Ezekiel J. Dixon-Roman, The University of Pennsylvania
Session: The Educators of Today and Tomorrow
Time: 2:15 p.m.-3:45 p.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 700 Level, Room 714B
Speakers: Linda Darling-Hammond, Learning Policy Institute; Weijia Wang, University of Washington - Seattle; Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Boston College; Gloria J. Ladson-Billings, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Kenneth M Zeichner, University of Washington
Session: Politics of State and Federal Education Reform
Time: 2:15 p.m.-3:45 p.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 205C
Speakers: Dorothy E. Hines, University of Kansas, Kenneth J. Saltman, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth
Paper: Crafting a Counternarrative: Strategic Messaging and the Racial Politics of Charter School Leaders' Policy Maker Outreach
LPI author: Laura E. Hernández
Paper: Comparing Transparency Among Publicly Funded School Voucher Programs
Authors: Jodi Moon, Rice University; Molly Stewart, Indiana University - Bloomington
Paper: Credibility in the "Post-Truth" Era: Public Views of Stakeholders in Education
Authors: Oren Pizmony Levy, Teachers College, Columbia University; Aaron Pallas, Teachers College, Columbia University; Chanwoong Baek, Teachers College, Columbia University
Paper: Investigating the Every Student Succeeds Act Discourse Coalitions in Congressional Hearings and on Social Media Through Network Analytical Approaches
Authors: David R J Fikis, Georgia State University; Yinying Wang, Georgia State University
Paper: Parent Motivations for Educational Activism: The Case of the Opt-Out Movement
Author: David Casalaspi, Colby College
Session: Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act: Preparation and Retention of Educational Professionals Act
Time: 410 p.m.-6:10 p.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201B
Speakers: Linda Darling-Hammond, Learning Policy Institute; Cristobal Rodriguez, Howard University; Alma D. Rodriguez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Dawn Williams, University of California - Berkeley; Monica Byrne-Jimenez, Indiana University - Bloomington
Tuesday April 9
Session: Leveraging Collaborative Strength to Develop District Racial Equity Leadership
Time: 12:20 p.m.-1:50 p.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 201B
Speakers: Vajra M. Watson, University of California - Davis; Kent McGuire, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Paper: District Levers for Advancing Racial Equity
LPI authors: Maria E. Hyler, Marjorie E. Wechsler, Larkin Willis, Desiree Carver-Thomas*
Paper: Leading Equity in Complex Systems
Author: Victor Carey, National Equity Project
Paper: Leading for Racial Equity
Author: Kenita T. Williams, Southern Education Foundation, Inc.
Paper: Improving Outcomes for Traditionally Marginalized Students: The Role of Professional Development Networks
Author: Ebony Green, Newburgh Enlarged City School District
Session: The Role of State Education Agencies and the New Wave of School Reforms
Time: 12:20 p.m.-1:50 p.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 200 Level, Room 206B
Speakers: Brian Robert Beabout, The University of New Orleans; Beverly J. Irby, Texas A&M University - College Station
Paper: What Do States Need to Support Low-Performing Schools? Evidence-Based Interventions Top the List
Authors: Caitlin Scott, Learning Policy Institute; Traci Fantz, Education Northwest
Paper: Mapping the Landscape of State Education Agencies' Use of External Providers for School Turnaround Services
Authors: Bryan A. VanGronigen, University of Virginia; Coby Meyers, University of Virginia; Caitlin Scott, Learning Policy Institute; Traci Fantz, Education Northwest; Lenay D. Dunn, WestEd
Paper: School Improvement Grant Effects and Their Sustainability Across Contexts and Subgroups of Students
Authors: Alec Kennedy, University of Washington; Min Sun, University of Washington - Seattle; Susanna Loeb, Brown University
Paper: Analyzing the Implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act State Plans: The Role of Local Education Agencies in School Improvement
Authors: Eric Ambroso, Arizona State University; Lenay D. Dunn, WestEd
Session: Professional Development, Educational Entrepreneurs, and Equity
Time: 2:15 p.m.-3:45 p.m.
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 800 Level, Hall F
Speaker: Kristin L. Kew, New Mexico State University
Paper: "Tight" and "Loose" Structures Within Communities of Practice in Action: An Evaluation of a School-Wide Community of Practice Pilot Program
Authors: Kathryn Elizabeth Torres, Education Northwest; Caitlin Scott, Learning Policy Institute
Paper: A Secondary Qualitative Data Analysis: Teacher Resistance to Educating English Learners
Authors: Clara Lee Brown, The University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Natalia Ward, East Tennessee State University; Eileen Galang, Rome City Schools; Betty Thomason, Maryville City Schools; Robin F Schell, Knox County Public Schools
Paper: Between Being Internal and External: About the Semi-Embedded Position of Educational Entrepreneurs
Authors: Hilla Tal, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Dorit Tubin, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Paper: Truth and Multimodal Family Narratives: U.S. Notions of Family Challenged by a Global Society
Authors: Paulette T. Cross, Georgia College & State University
*Report author not presenting.