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Teacher and students at desk
| In today’s knowledge economy, teachers must prioritize problem-solving ability, adaptability, critical thinking, and developing interpersonal and collaborative skills over rote memorization and the passive transmission of knowledge. This has significant implications for teacher preparation programs. This book examines those implications and several programs that are preparing their graduates to provide students with the "deeper learning" that prepares them for college, career, and civic participation.
Book cover: With the Whole Child in Mind: Insights from the Comer School Development Program
| The School Development Program (SDP) established by child psychiatrist James P. Comer and the Yale Child Study Center, is grounded in the belief that successful schooling—particularly for children from disadvantaged backgrounds—must focus on the whole child. With the Whole Child in Mind describes SDP’s six developmental pathways and explains how the program's nine key components create a comprehensive approach to educating children for successful outcomes.