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High school students in graduation attire walking outdoors while the audience applauds.
| At Oakland International High School, all students are newcomers, meaning they have been in the United States for fewer than 3 years. Most students are English learners, and many have experienced interruptions in their schooling. Oakland International leverages community school structures and partnerships to support students’ success.
Middle school student having a friendly discussion with classmates.
| In 2013, California implemented an ambitious school funding reform, the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), which allocates funding by the proportion of high-need students in the district. Unique in its multiyear funding commitment and minimal spending restrictions, LCFF is associated with increased student achievement and school outcomes.
An empty classroom.
| Recent teacher shortages demonstrate the need to develop a stronger education profession in the United States. Experts have identified seven key areas the federal government can focus on to build a nationwide strategy for teacher recruitment, preparation, support, and retention.
Teacher and student talking in a school hallway.
| Not all school safety strategies are effective, and some can lead to unintended consequences. Existing research sheds light on the evidence base for two very different approaches to school safety and efficacy on creating safe schools.
Adults and children filling brown bags with food items.
| In a comprehensive list, LPI policy experts outline how community schools can utilize a variety of federal programs with approximately $366 billion in available funding to provide services and advance whole child approaches to education.
A collage of LPI staff and fellows and policymakers speaking and presenting at various events
| Over the past few years, COVID-19, school shootings, systemic racism, and other crises have upended schools and made one thing epically clear: Returning to business as usual is not an option. This impact report reflects LPI’s efforts to inform practice and policy that can reinvent and redesign schools to enable equitable and empowering learning for each and every child.
Guidance Counselor speaking with three students.
| Exclusionary discipline (suspension and expulsion) increases risks of student misbehavior, dropout, and incarceration—and Black students are 4 times more likely than White students to experience such discipline. An alternative to exclusionary discipline, restorative practices address root causes of misbehavior and can improve academic, disciplinary, and school climate measures and reduce racial disparities.
Two elementary students using a marble activity maze.
| Oakland Unified School District's long-standing community schools initiative offers lessons for districts implementing a community schools strategy, illustrating an approach focused on integrating whole child educational practices and providing sustained support through centralized district infrastructure.
Two teachers talking in a classroom.
| While high-quality preparation is critical for an effective and stable teacher workforce, only 58% of newly credentialed California teachers in 2020–21 were fully prepared in teacher preparation programs. Surveys of 60,000 California teachers who completed programs reveal who receives preliminary teaching credentials, how prepared they feel, and what factors contribute to their perceptions.
Teacher assisting two students with an assignment.
| High-quality civics education supports students to be informed, active, and engaged citizens throughout their lives. In the face of declining civics knowledge in America, a growing number of states are implementing policies that support a new approach to civics education that engages students in inquiry, reasoning, and action.