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Two women working together
| The teaching profession requires continuous learning and California's Instructional Leadership Corps was developed to address that need. The ILC is changing the paradigm for teacher learning by tapping the expertise and experience of local teachers, principals, and superintendents who have the training and support to lead ongoing professional development to peers in their own districts and in other schools and districts in their regions.
| A hallmark of deeper learning is students’ ability to apply their knowledge to new situations and complex problems. New Tech Network has successfully instantiated deeper learning practices in many geographically, politically, and socioeconomically diverse school settings. This deep look into its systems and structures shows how the network has spread its practices to many traditionally structured, public school districts across the country.
| A hallmark of deeper learning is students’ ability to apply their knowledge to new situations and complex problems. Internationals Network, a network of schools specifically for English learners, has successfully instantiated, sustained, and spread deeper learning practices in ways that advance equity in schools across the nation. This deep look into its systems and structures shows how the network and its leaders are raising expectations and outcomes for English learners.
| A hallmark of deeper learning is students’ ability to apply their knowledge to new situations and complex problems. Big Picture Learning has successfully instantiated, sustained, and spread deeper learning practices in ways that advance equity in schools across the nation. This deep look into its systems and structures reveals how the network and its leaders have consistently been responsive to communities and local conditions, which allows network-affiliated schools to take on a distinct character while maintaining fidelity to Big Picture Learning's deeper learning focus.
| What skills and competencies do early childhood educators need in order to provide high-quality early learning experiences? What essential skills should children master before entering kindergarten? The Early Childhood Essentials framework answers these questions based on an analysis of relevant research. It is a must-read for local and state decision-makers looking to build and expand high-quality early learning programs.
Teachers and students at Bronxdale High School
| Most students at New York’s Bronxdale High School enter 9th grade achieving well below proficiency levels on standardized tests, yet they end up outperforming their peers and city averages in credit accrual, graduation rates, and enrollment in postsecondary education. Educators at Bronxdale teach the way students learn best by tightly weaving social and emotional skills and academic mindsets with academic learning in a safe, caring and collaborative learning environment.
High School students clapping during graduation ceremony
| This report examines the commonalities among seven diverse "positive outlier" school districts in which students are achieving at higher-than-predicted levels. The seven districts are among more than a hundred California school districts in which African American, Latino/a, and White students achieved at higher-than-predicted levels, controlling for their socioeconomic status.