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teacher talking to a student in a classroom
| Well-implemented programs designed to foster social and emotional learning (SEL) are associated with positive outcomes, ranging from better test scores and higher graduation rates to improved social behavior. This LPI study examines San Jose State University's successful teacher preparation program and Lakewood Elementary School's in-service program that incorporate SEL instruction in an effort to inform policymakers, practitioners, and teacher educators about the components of strong, SEL-focused teacher preparation and development systems.
Positive Outliers: Understanding Extraordinary School Districts
| LPI studied 156 California school districts of significant size in which students of color, as well as White students, consistently achieve at higher levels than students from similar racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds. What are these "positive outliers" doing to raise achievement and support students of all backgrounds?
teacher talking to student in a school hallway
| In 2018, the Trump administration rescinded voluntary federal guidance intended to help states end exclusionary and discriminatory school discipline practices. Many states had implemented policies based on evidence-based approaches outlined in the guidance and have seen lower rates of suspensions and expulsions among all students, including students of color, and other benefits. Loss of that guidance removes an important set of resources available to states and districts to end harmful practices.
Report cover image for Investing for Student Success Lessons from State School Finance Reforms
| Money matters when it comes to improving our nation’s schools, but how that money is spent is critical. This report reviews and analyzes efforts by four states to undertake progressive school funding strategies in order to substantially improve learning opportunities for all students and provides recommendations for federal and state policies to address funding inequalities that contribute to the cycle of poverty.
Cover photo for Understanding and Addressing Principal Turnover: A Review of the Research
| School principals are responsible for maintaining a positive school climate, motivating school staff, and enhancing teachers’ practice. They are vital to ensuring teachers’ success in the classroom and students’ success, but one in five principals leaves their school each year and the numbers are worse in schools in underserved communities. Inadequate preparation, poor working conditions, insufficient salaries, lack of authority, and high-stakes accountability policies are among the drivers of principal turnover that must be addressed.
Cover photo for Sharing the Wealth: How Regional Finance and Desegregation Plans Can Enhance Educational Equity
| In American public schools, most racial and ethnic segregation—and most financial inequity—occurs between, not within, school districts, which is why cooperative interdistrict approaches are often the most effective at addressing these problems. Looking at three regions—Boston, MA; Hartford, CT; and Omaha, NE—the authors examine interdistrict desegregation designs that use innovative funding strategies to foster equity, quality, and access. They share academic and social outcomes and identifies lessons for policymakers.