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Teacher Preparation and Professional Learning Resources

Showing 20 of 99 results
Two teachers talking in a classroom.
| Survey results from almost 60,000 people who completed California‘s new teacher accreditation program show an increasingly diverse pool of teacher graduates and those who experience student teaching or residencies feel more prepared; however, Black, and Native American candidates report less access to these supports.
Elementary teacher working on a project with students
| In 2021, California committed to making transitional kindergarten (TK)—a school-based preschool program—available for all 4-year-olds by 2025–26. As TK becomes universal, California will need to expand the early learning workforce by recruiting educators and candidates and supporting them through various pathways into the profession. State policymakers can take six recommended actions to help stabilize, support, and expand the entire early childhood workforce.
Pre-school teacher reading to students.
| An additional 12,000 to 15,000 credentialed teachers are needed to support California’s expanded transitional kindergarten (TK). High-quality early childhood–focused residencies, such as Fresno’s Teacher Residency Program and UCLA’s IMPACT Program, can help districts strategically build TK teacher capacity. These programs encompass coursework, university–district partnerships, clinical experiences, and resident and mentor supports and can lead to a more fully prepared and diverse teacher workforce.
Group of adults having a discussion at a round table
| Policies that affect teachers play a vital role in creating equitable student access to deep and comprehensive learning experiences. In Wisconsin, several key policy strategies have been identified to improve and advance the preparation of a stable, diverse, well-qualified, and equitably distributed teacher workforce across the state to support all students’ learning and development.
A group of people working on a project in an academic setting
| Advances in neuroscience, developmental, and learning sciences shed light on the ways that teaching practice must transform to support the whole child and cognitively complex learning. How can educators be supported to make these shifts? Research sheds light on the content educators need to learn about children’s learning and development, as well as effective strategies to support educator learning and capacity.
Learning in the Time of COVID-19 blog series: Effective Professional Development by Jennifer Bland
| A thoughtful planning process following the first few months of distance learning led one San Francisco Bay Area school district to rethink its professional development strategy for elementary math instruction. The result: More collaboration, alignment, and engagement among teachers and minimal disruption to student learning, even when the pandemic necessitated switching of classrooms and teachers.
Three adults discussing a project
| Teachers play a vital role in providing all students with deeper learning experiences that prepare them for life and work in the 21st century. In West Virginia, several key policy strategies have been identified to improve and advance the preparation of a well-qualified and equitably distributed teacher workforce across the state.
Policy Playbook
Smiling teacher in a yellow jacket sits at the front of a classroom
Policy Playbook
| The Partnership for the Future of Learning offers a set of strategies to recruit, prepare, develop, and retain high-quality teachers and bring greater racial, ethnic, and linguistic diversity to the profession. This in-depth playbook includes examples of legislation and research-based policies, a guide to talking about teacher shortages and strengthening the profession, and publications for further reading.