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Transforming Schools blog series. "Essential Elements of Community Schools" by Emily Germain and Jeannie Oakes
| Although community schools have existed for 100-plus years, they have evolved over time to become a highly effective, research-based approach that improves education and equity.
Teacher and student talking in a school hallway.
| Not all school safety strategies are effective, and some can lead to unintended consequences. Existing research sheds light on the evidence base for two very different approaches to school safety and efficacy on creating safe schools.
The front of an empty classroom, with a teacher's desk and a chalkboard wiped clean
| Teacher working conditions and student access to qualified and diverse teachers vary greatly by state. Bringing together data from every state, the authors describe their findings on the state of the teacher workforce and the implications for addressing teacher shortages.
Interactive Tool
Interactive map displayed on laptop screen while someone is typing
Interactive Tool
| What does the data say about teacher working conditions in each state? This interactive map rates each state on how attractive and equitable the teaching workforce is compared to the national average. The tool also includes indicators of teacher supply and demand, such as teacher turnover and expected student population growth.
Empty classroom with a chalkboard and teacher's desk.
| A review of reports on the teacher workforce and state agency documents covering the 2020-21 or 2021-22 school years found that, at a minimum, there were 314,134 teaching positions either left unfilled or filled by teachers not fully certified for the subject matter they were teaching.
Adults and children filling brown bags with food items.
| In a comprehensive list, LPI policy experts outline how community schools can utilize a variety of federal programs with approximately $366 billion in available funding to provide services and advance whole child approaches to education.
Blog series: Transforming Schools. "Serving our children through community schools" by Linda Darling-Hammond.
| In the aftermath of the pandemic, as many children and youth are struggling with mental health and to reengage in learning, a growing chorus of people are calling for community schools as an approach to reinvent education to better serve students, educators, and families.
A collage of LPI staff and fellows and policymakers speaking and presenting at various events
| Over the past few years, COVID-19, school shootings, systemic racism, and other crises have upended schools and made one thing epically clear: Returning to business as usual is not an option. This impact report reflects LPI’s efforts to inform practice and policy that can reinvent and redesign schools to enable equitable and empowering learning for each and every child.
Two young students sit at a classroom table, drawing on paper with markers
| In 2021, California committed to providing universal prekindergarten to all 4-year-olds and income-eligible 3-year-olds by 2025–26. Melanie Leung-Gagné and Hanna Melnick write about how schools and districts across the state are progressing on the planning and implementation for this ambitious expansion.
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| California has invested billions in community schools strategies in the past several years. In addition to leveraging these state funds, blending and braiding local, state, and federal funding sources may help to sustainably finance a community schools strategy in the long term.